The Ultimate Guide To Vitamins

- Vitamin -


Vitamins are small amounts that our body needs to stay healthy and grow. These vitamins help in the activation of our body's enzymes, the body's production of energy, the functioning of the body's immune system, and the nervous system's functioning.

Who found the vitamin? when?

Dr. Casimir Funk
Dr. Casimir Funk

About 13 vitamins have been found so far. The first vitamin was discovered in 1883. At the time, sailors suffered from a neurological disorder named Beriberi disease. In Indonesia, a Dutch doctor discovered that the cause of these neurological disorders was not a germ, but thiamine deficiency. Later, Funk, a Polish doctor, introduced the name "vitamin" into medicine. He also said that diseases like rickets, scurvy and pellagra are caused by vitamin deficiencies.

Vitamin types

There are 13 essential vitamins that are fundamentally important for our body's survival. These are divided into two types, water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins.

 1. Water-soluble vitamins

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid and all B group vitamins are water-soluble vitamins. Many of these are important for the body's vital metabolic functions. These also act as enzymes. Only a small portion of these vitamins are stored in the body. Most of it leaves the body. Therefore, it is best to take only the amount of vitamins your body needs daily.

2. Fat-soluble vitamins

Vitamin A or retinol, vitamin D or cholecalciferol, vitamin E or tocopherol, vitamin K or quinone are fat-soluble vitamins.

Is there a connection between vitamins and immunity? 

Immunity is the ability to resist disease. A person with vitamin deficiency may have a weakened body. People with weak bodies can get sick quickly. A healthy and healthy body needs good nutrition. Vitamins are essential for good nutrition.

Vitamins can be taken in the form of food as well as in tablets or liquids. The difference between these types is that the vitamins in the food are natural. They are available in small amounts as micronutrients in a balanced manner. This is a process that needs to happen daily. But the vitamins that can be given in pill or liquid form can be given in the prescribed amounts. Some allergies can be caused by overdosing on vitamins. Excessive intake of water-soluble vitamins can lead to headaches, nausea and vomiting. So the best thing is to get the vitamins your body needs from a nutritious balanced diet.

There is no need to take extra vitamins if you are accustomed to a proper diet in daily life. Pure vegetables, fruits, herbs, meat, fish, milk, eggs, unrefined flour and sugar provide all the vitamins our body needs.

Vitamins, their functions and foods containing ;

1. Vitamin A or retinol

Functions of Vitamin A;

  • Performing body growth.
  • Developing the ability to immunize.
  • Improving eyesight.
  • Keeping skin, hair and various parts of the body healthy.

If Vitamin A deficiency in the body;

  • occurs Night Blindness.
  • Decreased tear production from the lacrimal glands leads to loss of smoothness on the inside of the eyelid and the surface of the eyes, resulting in Bitot spot and Xerophthalmia, or swelling of the eyes.

Foods containing vitamin A;


  • Animal liver
  • Shark liver oil
  • The Egg yolk
  • Butter
  • Margarine
  • Yellow corn
  • Carrots
  • pumpkin
  • Yellow sweet potato
  • Tomatoes
  • Yellow fruits
  • Dark green leaves and vegetables

2. Vitamin B1 or thiamine

Functions of Vitamin B1;

  • Supports carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Stimulates the body's metabolic functions.

If Vitamin B1 deficiency in the body;

  • Nerve function is impaired.
  • Beriberi disease occurs.
  • The limbs are often numb.
  • occurs Laziness, fatigue, and lethargy.

Foods containing vitamin B1;

  • Plain rice
  • Yeast
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Soybeans
  • Peanuts
  • Cowpea/Black-eyed pea

3. Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin

If Vitamin B2 deficiency in the body;

  • Occur laziness.
  • Swelling of the lips.
  • Swelling at both ends of the mouth.
  • The tongue becomes red and cracked.
  • Skin rashes occur.
  • Inflammation and tearing of the eyes occur.
  • It is difficult to look at the light.

Foods containing vitamin B2;


  • milk
  • The eggs
  • Soybeans      
  • Sesame
  • Mung beans
  • Vegetables
  • Mushrooms

4. Vitamin B3 or Niacin

Functions of Vitamin B3;

  • Carbohydrates and proteins act as an enzyme in the process of fat formation in the body.

If Vitamin B3 deficiency in the body;

  • occurs physical weakness and inflammation of the skin.
  • Reddening of the tongue occurs.
  • Mental retardation occurs.

Foods containing vitamin B3;


  • Meats
  • Legumes
  • Oily seeds
  • Peanuts
  • pumpkin
  • sesame

5. Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine

Functions of Vitamin B6;

  • Important for the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids and fats.

Foods containing vitamin B6;

Red Meat

  • Red meat
  • The Egg yolk
  • Whole grain
  • Green vegetables
  • green leaves

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6. Vitamin B9 or Folate, Folic acid

Functions of Vitamin B9;

  • It is also important for amino acid metabolism and the production of essential body components.
  • It is also important for blood cell production and cell nucleation.

Foods containing vitamin B9;


  • animal liver
  • Legumes
  • Orange
  • Lime
  • Fish

7. Vitamin B12 or Cyanocobalamin

Functions of Vitamin B12;

  • Blood cells divide to maintain the proper structure of the nerves.

If Vitamin B12 deficiency in the body;

  • occurs spinal cord Diseases.
  • Causes diseases such as constipation and urinary incontinence.

Foods containing vitamin B12;

Brown Eggs

  • milk
  • The eggs
  • Meats

8. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid

Functions of Vitamin C;

  • Helps in the metabolism of fats, proteins, amino acids and iron.
  • Contributes to the production of a type of protein called collagen that is spread throughout the body.
  • Contributes to the production of new tissues in the body.

If Vitamin C deficiency in the body;

  • Maybe occurs scurvy disease.
  • Wound healing is delayed.
  • Impairs bone growth.
  • Gum causes bleeding and tooth loosening.
  • Oral infections occur.
  • Blood vomiting may occur.
  • Bleeding may occur with stool.

Foods containing vitamin C;

Orange Fruits

  • Orange fruits
  • Strawberry
  • pineapple
  • Papaya
  • Guava (Fruit Pera)
  • Gooseberry
  • cashew
  • Gotukola (Centella asiatica)
  • Katurumurunga (Hummingbird Tree/Sesbania grandiflora)
  • Mukunuwenna (Alternanthera sessilis)
  • Green vegetables
  • Potatoes
  • sweet potatoes
  • Jack (Artocarpus heterophyllus)
  • Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis)
  • Tomatoes
  • Mango

9. Vitamin D or Calciferol

Functions of Vitamin D;

  • Regulates the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus.

If Vitamin D deficiency in the body;

  • The bones are weak.
  • Nerve function is impaired.
  • Numbness of the limbs occurs.
  • Growing children do not get enough vitamin D, which causes rickets or Knock knees.

Foods containing vitamin D;

Eggs & Milk

  • Animal and fish liver oil
  • The Egg whites
  • Fatty fish
  • milk

10. Vitamin E or tocopherol

Functions of Vitamin E;

  • Reduces skin wrinkles and ageing rate.
  • Prevents damage to the arteries caused by ions of heavy metals entering the body.

If Vitamin E deficiency in the body;

  • When you wake up in the morning there is a melancholy nature.
  • Skin wrinkles occur.
  • Decreased muscle function.
  • The muscles are quickly overturned.

Foods containing vitamin E;

Green Vegitables

  • Peanuts
  • cowpea
  • Mung Seeds
  • Green vegetables and leaves

11. Vitamin K or quinone

Functions of Vitamin K ;

  • Helps blood to clot.

If Vitamin K deficiency in the body;

  • Excessive bleeding can occur in cases such as injuries due to delayed blood clotting.

Foods containing vitamin K;

  • Yoghurt
  • Cabbage
  • Grain
  • fruits
  • Meats

This shows that vitamins are very important for our body but should not be taken in excess. It is better for our body to take vitamins naturally than to take vitamins in pill or liquid form. Therefore, by getting a nutritious balanced diet whenever possible, we can easily get the vitamins our body needs. Thus, by exercising daily with nutritious food, you can achieve a healthy body free from diseases.

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