An Introduction to Nanotechnology


Nanotechnology/An Introduction to Nanotechnology

 What is a "nano"? ("Nano" meaning)

The English word "nano" is derived from a Greek word meaning dwarf. That is, nano means extremely small. Then nanotechnology can be taken as a scientific art that can create very useful things for human beings from nanoscale particles between 1nm and 100nm. At this nanotechnology, nanoscale particles can be manipulated as needed.


How small are the "nano" particles? 

Nanoparticles range in size from 1nm to 100nm. A nanometer is a billionth of a meter. That is, 1 nm = 10-9 m. For example, when we take a bacterial cell and a DNA molecule, we can observe the bacterial cell with a light microscope. That is, bacterial cells are microscopic particles. But a DNA molecule can only be observed with an electron microscope. This is because the DNA molecule is a nanoscale particle. This will give you an idea of ​​how small the nanoparticle is.

 For example, if a man is 2 meters tall, his height is 2 billion nanometers. Also, a red blood cell is about 10000nm in diameter and a DNA molecule is about 2.5nm wide. Also, the thickness of a human hair tree is about 80000nm and the thickness of an ordinary newspaper is about 100000nm.


History of Nanotechnology

The origins of nanotechnology are linked to nature. The best example of this is when a lizard can go under the roof because of the nanoscale particles on its feet. Also, a spider weaves a spider web using nanoscale particles. Although it is not known what nanotechnology is, ancient humans have used nanoscale particles at various times. As a corroborating fact that. Nanoscale gold particles were used to create the 4th-century Roman trophy (deposited in the British Museum) called The Lycurgus Cup. Also, nanoscale particles have been used to create the glare of 9th-17th century stained glass. However, the American physicist Richard Feynman (1918-1988) is credited with awakening the modern interest in nanotechnology. In 1959, in a public lecture entitled "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom," he proposed the idea of​​an incredibly subtle world in which atoms and molecules could be used as tools to create various substances. In 1974, Professor Norio Taniguchi, a Japanese engineer named the field "nanotechnology". This nanotechnology then took a big step forward during the 1980s. That was after the publication of the controversial book "Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nano Technology", written by Dr K. Eric Drexler. Nanotechnology did not advance properly until the use of the electron microscope became popular. It was also during this decade that nanoscale microscopes capable of manipulating atoms and molecules were developed.


Dr K. Eric Drexler/An Introduction to Nanotechnology

Dr K. Eric Drexler

Richard Feynman/An Introduction to Nanotechnology

Richard Feynman

The behaviour of a nanoparticle

At the atomic and molecular level, matter behaves differently. Although the substance is the same, its physical and chemical properties change when its size is 100nm or less. At the nanoscale, for example, the optical, mechanical, electromagnetic, and magnetic properties of matter change as well as their chemical reactivity.

Examples: -

* Copper (Cu) metal is transparent at the nanoscale.

* At the nanoscale, carbon (C) can be converted into a non-conductive material.

* The strength of carbon nanoparticles is several times higher than that of steel.

* Gold metal appears in different colours at the nanoscale depending on the size and shape of the particles. This is because as the particles get smaller, the amount of light that the particles absorb and scatter is also smaller.

 Gold particle     colour

  • 1nm                     yellow smoke
  • 20nm                   red
  • 100nm                 purple

* Creams that protect the skin from the sun contain zinc oxide, which prevents UV rays from entering the skin. Zinc oxide appears white because it emits visible light (white light) in the same way. But at the nanoscale, zinc oxide is colourless because it does not reflect ultraviolet light.


Properties of nanoparticles

1. The surface volume ratio increases.

The surface volume ratio of a nanoparticle (surface area/volume of a nanoparticle) is high. The smaller the particle, the larger the surface volume ratio, and the larger the colliding particle size. Therefore, various properties not found in large particles can be seen in these nanoscale particles.


2. The motion of particles is fast.

We cannot see the motion of large molecules. They are also slow. But on a smaller scale, such as the nanoscale, particles move faster.


3. Melting and boiling points are low.

The melting point is the temperature at which an element presents in a solid-state. The temperature at which it evaporates is boiling. Normally in a solid, the particles that makeup it can move freely when it is in a liquid state. But because those particles are so small at the nanoscale, their field-to-scale ratio increases, increasing the number of molecules released to the outside. It then releases more particles at low energy. Therefore becomes liquid at lower temperatures. It also evaporates at lower temperatures.


4. More rigidity.

A lot of things that are usually not so strong and not easily broken At the nanoscale, it is highly rigid, highly flexible and does not break easily. For example, a flawless silicon nanosphere has a rigidity of about 50 gigapascals. It is four times as hard as the silicon that exists en masse.


 Scientists have developed electron microscopes that can see and manipulate nanoscale particles. These include Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM), and Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM).


Chemistry Nanomaterial

Among the nanoparticles, the nanoparticle-based on carbon element occupies a prominent place. The carbon element exists in several different forms. Graphite and diamonds are the main ones.


1. Graphene:

Graphene/An Introduction to Nanotechnology

Graphite has a layered structure. Scientists have been trying for decades to separate a single layer from these. Andri Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, both scientists at the University of Manchester, were able to separate one layer from the multilayer structure of graphite, a significant breakthrough in science. They were awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics for this valuable achievement. This is considered one of the most significant events in the history of science.

Andre Geim/An Introduction to Nanotechnology

Andre Geim

Konstantin Novoselov/An Introduction to Nanotechnology

Konstantin Novoselov

 Graphene is a single layer of graphite with a thickness of 0.5nm. It has unique properties due to its very large surface area. It is highly flexible and exhibits high mechanical properties. It also exhibits unexpected electronic and electrical properties. This is expected to be widely used in electronics applications today and in the future.


2. Carbon nanotubes:

Carbon nanotubes/An Introduction to Nanotechnology

Carbon nanotubes can be made by rolling a single layer or several layers of graphene. The tube obtained by rolling a single graphene layer is called a Single Wall Carbon Nano Tube (SWCNT) and the tube obtained by rolling several layers is called Multi-Wall Carbon Nano Tube (MWCNT).


3. Fullerene:

Fullerene/An Introduction to Nanotechnology

Another nanocarbon form is Fullerene. Fullerene is a molecule made up of about 60 carbon atoms in the shape of a football. Its diameter is close to 1nm.


4. Activated carbon with nanoscale pores:

Coconut shell charcoal. Wood charcoal. Coal. Peat, etc., is used as the raw material to produce activated carbon. These have a high absorption capacity and are used to purify water and remove contaminants from wastewater.


Today, nanotechnology is used in many fields, including medicine, agriculture, electronics, polymers, cosmetics, food, and textiles.


Uses of nanotechnology

1. Medical science (Nanotechnology in medicine)

Nanotechnology in medicine/An Introduction to Nanotechnology

* New diagnostic tools have been developed. It has been shown to increase treatment opportunities and enhance therapeutic potential. Nanotechnology is used to diagnose and treat diseases such as atherosclerosis. One way is by nanoparticles similar to HDL molecules, which are good cholesterol in the body, and removes the fat layer in the blood vessels.

* Nanotechnology is developing therapeutic methods to treat cancer cells directly without harming healthy tissue.

* Bone and nerve tissue remodelling treatments using nanotechnology is emerging.

* Adds nanoparticles to skin creams to protect them from harmful sun rays and enhances the quality.

* Nanotechnology is used to easily know the blood sugar and cholesterol levels of patients.


2. Transport sector

* Nanotechnology can be used to produce lightweight as well as fuel-efficient cars, aircraft, boats and spacecraft.

* Nanotechnology produces high-powered rechargeable batteries, temperature control devices, low-wear tires, thin solar panels, highly efficient and inexpensive sensors.


3. Energy generation

* By using the Enzymes produced by nanobiotechnology can convert the cellulose in the wood powder, corn husk, etc into ethanol fuel.

* Electrical wires made of carbon nanotubes with very low resistance and good stress resistance are used to minimize wastage during power transmission.

* Produces low-cost solar panels with high efficiency. Future solar panels will be flexible in the type and can be printed like paper.

* Nanotechnology can be used to make very thin solar panels that can be attached to computer covers, clothing, etc. and generate electrical energy through wasted energy such as light, friction, and body heat.


4. Electronics

* Nanotechnology has made it possible to produce fast and very small transistors for computer transistors. The average transistor is 130nm-250nm and by 2015 its size was around 7nm.

* Nanotechnology can produce flexible, collapsible, washable, flexible and solar-powered electronics. This makes it possible to produce very thin, lightweight, unbreakable, durable and efficient smart electronics.

* Nanotechnology is used to make memory chips, audio equipment, and keyboards with antibacterial coatings.


5. Production of consumer goods

* Nano surgical spectacles, computer and television screens and doors, windows, glass, etc are does not absorb ultraviolet rays and does not travel infrared radiations. Also, It has the ability to self-clean from water and microorganisms.

* Nano polymers are highly rigid, lightweight, and durable, and are used in the manufacture of sports equipment, helmets, bicycles, auto parts, and weapons.

* Nanotechnology is used to produce high-quality detergents, bleaches, air filters, water filters, bactericidal and non-abrasive paints.

* Produces dirt, dust, oil particle resistant clothing and textiles.

* Nanotechnology is used to purify water quickly and inexpensively at water treatment plants.

* Nano-sized perforated air filters made using nanotechnology to filter out debris such as dust in places such as aircraft cabins.

* Nanotechnology is used to make flexible and durable aluminium, steel, tar, cement, etc.


Is the future secure because of nanotechnology?

As with any technology application, nanotechnology can have adverse effects. Here are some of them:

* Pollution of air, water, and soil by the addition of nanoscale particles to the environment is called nano pollution.

* The accumulation of nanoparticles in human and animal bodies can cause health problems.

* The production of nanoscale chemical or biological weapons can cause catastrophic events.


To minimize the adverse effects of nanotechnology,

* Nano-scale air pollutants in the smoke can be removed by filtering the harmful gases produced during combustion through nanoscale filters.

* The use of nanoscale particles can remove natural pollutants such as arsenic from the environment.

* Such gases can be removed using nano-sensors that are sensitive to harmful gases.

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